Friday 6 October 2017

Activity day, a spot of yoga and dressing up..

Hello everyone
This week has been so busy it has flown by!
Thank you very much for all the Harvest donations, the children were so pleased to be able to add their tins and food items to the huge display on the stage. We had our first venture into the hall to sit and watch a year 1 class put on a fabulous Harvest assembly, the children sat beautifully throughout and we were very proud of them.
Later in the week we learned the letters c and k. To help remember the sounds we had castanets and Spanish dresses in the home corner. What can I say... well, they were VERY popular and I hope you like the pictures :)
P.E. this week was fun as we all had a try to make bridges, to balance and to strike various yoga poses (Mr Airnes was very kind and had Mrs Lewis join in with all that, gee thanks).
We ended the week with a very successful activity day. It was brilliant with lots of things going on both in the classroom and out, everyone was kept very busy! If you enjoyed it or if you missed out then you will be pleased to hear there will be another activity day near Christmas, we hope you can join us.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Miss Latham and Mrs Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Isabel is enjoying school so much. It is lovely to see so many pictures of her enjoying herself x


What a wonderful class

For the last time... hello everybody! It is usually at the start of a blog I say something like 'oo hasn't this week gone by quickly...